Diary Ramadhan AiNa: Part 2

quick update:

7th Ramadhan- mmg sgt letih ari tu, sbb kene monitor kontraktor wat sampling for ground water monitoring..stat from 1.00 pm- 6.00 p.m..
baru la aku phm camne la org yg keje truk2 tu pose..insaf sekejap.

10th Ramadhan- Moja n Musyi2 ajak buke same..so, buke kat pdg jawa..the food is good..but the friends is awesome..best dpt jumpe korg..caya lah!

11th Ramadhan- time berbuke paling meriah sbb samsul, k.ita, nabila, pak itam n nenek joint the iftar..huhu same goes for sahur..

12th Ramadhan- pegi survey tmpt nk wat part time dgn musyi2, ok la..not bad, rasenye akan enjoy disitu..n pastu g borak2 ngn musyi..lame gile xgosip2 ngan die..huhu

to be continued..

p/s: weekend ni sy bace 4 buah novel, review akan dipost kemudian, sy nk g borak ngn nenek ni =)


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