
Showing posts from November, 2010

Master o..Master..

Assalamualaikum.. Starting from this entry and the next2 entry, i'll update in English..Hehe..y? bCoz... I want to improve my english writing skill..huhu..(i think..i'll mix with Bahasa too)..acceptable eh? During my degree years, i planned that i'll be pursue my master after my financial start to stabilize..and after almost 2 1/2 years working..i'm never close to stable..haha.. my 1st problem will be..choosing the right course.. What course will suit me? i thought of chemistry..yeah.. i luv is in the blood..on the other hand, some1 advised me to go for Safety,Health and Environment (SHE) which will give me more benefit for my position now..Yes, i agreed with dat person, i know i'll be having a bright career in SHE field..However, I still cant forget my passion to chemistry..what do i do?? how far i'll go in chemistry? do the passion is enough?? how abt career opportunity?? do i go for lecturing?? am i gonna make it?? And after that ...

Selamat ke berblog ni??

Assalamualaikum.. Selamat ke kalau kite berblog ni??sbb mostly, blog adalah tmpt luah perasaan..ape jaminan yg in future in will not come back to us?? berpikir sejenak dan berjenak2...

Cerita Semalam

Assalamualaikum.. Entry ni ter"publish gara2 nk lepas geram yg masih xabis2 dr semalam.. peristiwa yg menggeramkan tu berlaku semalam kat tempat keje aku. sbbny? ade org tu die ckp berbelit..bile aku tny die jwb A, n bile aku tny lagi skali dpn bos, die cite B..haih!!! owh..geramnye..mesti la aku yg kene ngn bos, sbb awal2 aku da explain kt bos pasal org tu cite A..alih2 bile ditanye balik dpn bos, die cite B..rase mcm bos igt aku ni kelentong die lak...*_* disebabkan pengalaman yg kurang best ni la, aku nk kasi guide utk org2 yg baru nk kenal dunia keje ni.. tips2 ni pon aku ceduk dr aku pny sifu 'the boss'.. when you make a decision, instruction or agreed to anything, please do it black n white..dun use sms or call or cakap mulut je..make sure you emailed to that person, so that, you will have evidence. Documented all yr communication, correspondence..kire kalau ade kasi surat mesti ade aku/korg pny that anything, surat hilang ke, org ckp xreceived ...