Master o..Master..

Starting from this entry and the next2 entry, i'll update in English..Hehe..y? bCoz...
I want to improve my english writing skill..huhu..(i think..i'll mix with Bahasa too)..acceptable eh?
During my degree years, i planned that i'll be pursue my master after my financial start to stabilize..and after almost 2 1/2 years working..i'm never close to stable..haha..
my 1st problem will be..choosing the right course..

What course will suit me? i thought of chemistry..yeah.. i luv is in the blood..on the other hand, some1 advised me to go for Safety,Health and Environment (SHE) which will give me more benefit for my position now..Yes, i agreed with dat person, i know i'll be having a bright career in SHE field..However, I still cant forget my passion to chemistry..what do i do?? how far i'll go in chemistry? do the passion is enough?? how abt career opportunity?? do i go for lecturing?? am i gonna make it??
What course will suit me? i thought of chemistry..yeah.. i luv is in the blood..on the other hand, some1 advised me to go for Safety,Health and Environment (SHE) which will give me more benefit for my position now..Yes, i agreed with dat person, i know i'll be having a bright career in SHE field..However, I still cant forget my passion to chemistry..what do i do?? how far i'll go in chemistry? do the passion is enough?? how abt career opportunity?? do i go for lecturing?? am i gonna make it??
And after that 1st prblem, i got the second related prob..Do i study part time or full time?and do i do coursework or research base?*sigh*
if i go for part time:
- i'll have my income (the good part)
- i have to spend my time wisely , mana nak kejar keje, mane nak kejar study.
- the one n only chemistry's coursework base available is in UM- instrumental chemistry..kalau SHE tu, byk tempat ade..
- no research base is available in part time mode..
if i go for full time:
- i'll be able to concentrate on my study (the good part)
- one and biggest prob is no job means no money..i already commit to my monthly car installment..5 years to go..and road tax+ insurance...i guess money is always the problem..
so many things to consider, yet time is running..and sometimes, i feel like i wont hear to any1, just follow what my heart says..or actually, should i?
hm..let me decide 1st..most probably, i'll decide by next year..haha..untill then, wassalam
better go with she. finding a job is difficult T__T
ReplyDeleteyup go for she...and do part time...
ReplyDeleteemmm..if there is a will,there is a way.both choices hv their pro n con.just wanted to gv addtnl info.,
ReplyDeleteif u go for research, u must disscuss evrything with ur sv. includes,reseacrh grants, scholarshp n time consuming. u oso can get Natinal science fellowshop (NSF) from MOSTI.but i suggest u try to apply 1st,bile dah dapat baru proceed:
but if u want to go for part time,emmmm...cepat abis la.coz coswork,u just hv to attend the classes. heeee~the choice is in ur hand :") gud luck!