Autumn in korea : update 1

Counting the days. Mase lepas booked flight ticket tu, xde la rase mcm xcited sgt, tp bile dh dekat2 ni, rase berdebar2 lak..haha..poyo betul aku ni..betul bersemangat nak kumpul duit and plan itinerary.

  1. Flight ticket to Seoul : Status - Booked
  2. Flight ticket to Jeju-do : status- Booked
  3. Accomodation in Seoul : status - Booked
  4. Accomodation in Jeju-do : Status -Pending
  5. Pasport : Status - Pending (esok baru buat)
  6. Bag pack: Status - Bought
  7. Duit belanja: Status- 70%
  8. Itinerary : status- 70%
Ade lagi x yang tertinggal rase2nye? kalau ade akan di update kemudian..hehe


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