

Towards year end i'll received a lot of wedding invitation.
however,the most unforgettable wedding is moja's wedding.
Maybe i'll be the bridesmaid?? - first timer ok??

As the solemnization ceremony take place,i've been engulfed with mix feeling
a part of me happy for her, while the other parts like I dont have friend to ronggeng anymore!!!

Begin the new world for my best friend. her priority change.
i do know this what we called lumrah/ fitrah.
i'll go through the same cycle.its just my heart still cant believe the fact she's married.

I dont know. u dont know.we dont know.but i do know one thing, Allah always be with me..
no need to feel lonely..He's there for me.
ya Allah..please accept my apology, forgive my sin, make me happy..i believe that u'll make everythg will be working just fine...

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